A world can be up to 16 x 16 quadrants (16384 x 16384 pix) in size, but due to the bug I mentioned in the header, worlds larger than 4 x 4 quadrants (4096x4096) will have huge problems. As a reference, Skyrim is 3808 x 3008 pixels (not all of which is playable). The game is built up by quadrants, with 32 x 32 cells in each. T he size in pixels of the image will determine the size of the world in Oblivion/Skyrim. Previous post: Make LOD meshes and Textures.change LOD water, default water and land levels in CK.back to Photoshop to lower the gray scale color range, save as RAW.run it in Geocontrol 2 to make natural looking erosion.

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news to all of you who wish to do